I admit it. I was "that parent" on Sunday. I was the mom that picked up my kid early from church, hustled her to her lacrosse game, became indignant at the injustices during said game, and when it was over, grumbled to myself (and my husband) about her amount of playing time. And while, on the outside, she and I talked constructively about her goals and how she could work with the coach to meet those goals, on the inside, I was still steaming. I wanted her to get a fair shake. I wanted her to get noticed by the coaches. I wanted her to stand out for her talents and abilities.
And then I realized - she already does.
Sometimes I lose sight of the fact that my prayers for my children are not that they be the best athletes or students, but that they be the best people. My goal isn't to raise Olympians but humanitarians and philanthropists and nurturing souls. And I do forget that sometimes in the heat of battle.
My daughter was very ill last fall, and still showed up to team try-outs. She could barely stand up straight. The coach took one look at her and sent her home, and gave her another chance later to join the team. She couldn't make it to practice one day because of a fever, and still had me drive her to the field to explain to the coach that she would not let him down.
That's a win, people.
I can also see that commitment with my son. He will fly through the air and take a hit before he will let go of a play. He doesn't miss an opportunity to congratulate another player for a good move. And he makes sure we pray for the homeless every night at dinner.
Nothing can beat that.
They may not be the best at everything they do. There will be others that score more goals, get better grades, and earn more accolades. But if my kids continue to show commitment, sportsmanship, and care for their fellow human, I'm good.
That day at church that I was in such a rush to leave, they were wrapping up a youth retreat, and a visiting band sang one of my favorite songs:
My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion.
While I strive as a mother to live those lines and to encourage that godliness in my children, I will always need gentle reminders. And so, I draw inspiration from the lions in the videos below.
God bless the children that press on, though their bodies and minds hold them back. And God bless the children that see their perseverance, and reward their spirit with personal sacrifice, so that they may know a moment of success.
Until next time, keep crowin'!
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